My take on concise axios promise handling in TypeScript.
21 April, 2019 - 2 min read
After looking for a clean way to handle async/await REST calls without try-catch blocks, I developed a small wrapper that satisfied my needs.
The article that inspired me was
function on (promise) {
return promise
.then(response => [response, null)
.catch(error => [null, error])
/// async function
async function doSomething() {
const [data, error] = await on(somePromise())
if (data) {
// do whatever
} else {
// handle error
The above solution was like an eureka moment after I did started with stuff like this:
promise.then(result => doSomething(result)).catch(error => log(error))
and this:
try {
const data = await somePromise()
// do whatever
} catch (e) {
// handle error
After doing lots of work on the frontend with React and learning hooks, the simplicity of the solution outlined in the article just clicked. I happily started using testing the solution and it looked and worked beautifully. During code review however, a colleague pointed out that however nice, it's not typed at all. He then suggested to actually write it the TypeScript way (i.e. typed, duh).
Here it is:
// using Axios but you can type ypour promises however you'd like
const on = <RES, ERR = any>(
promise: AxiosPromise
): Promise<[RES | null, ERR | null]> => {
return (
// destructuring since my API returns all the good stuff like so.
.then(({ data }): [RES, ERR | null] => [data, null])
.catch((error): [RES | null, ERR] => [null, error])
// and now calling it from an async function
const [todo, error] = await on<Todo>(somePromise())
// now my returned todo is already typed as Todo.
// error typing is optional, it defaults to any.
This is my first article/post. Since I've always wanted to write about stuff I do, I decided such a short topic might be just enough to get my feet wet.